You can use your own rental agreement as well as our legally checked rental agreement. The rental contract is processed via our portal and is considered legally valid as soon as the tenant has confirmed it. Here you can find our Rental Agreement.
In some countries we offer a verified sample rental contract as a service. Our Globalfalts rental agreement was checked by our lawyers and it corresponds to current case law. Of course, you can also use your own rental agreement at any time. Here you can find our Rental Agreement.
If your advertised property is not showing up in the search results, there could be several reasons:
Your ad has not yet been activated by us. Please be patient a little longer, we check every advertisement for completeness so that we can guarantee our quality standard.
You have not yet activated your ad. Please check your settings whether you have activated your ad for publication.
The period you are looking for is blocked. Please check whether your apartment is blocked for the period you are looking for. The more up-to-date you keep your ad, the more successfully it can be rented out.
As an intermediary, we at Globalflats always want to offer the best possible service - both for tenants and landlords. In order to be able to guarantee this service, we take a monthly commission of 10% gross from the rental price. When renting for the first time, our commission is only 5% gross of the rental price. After you have signed a binding rental agreement with the tenant, you will receive an invoice from us for the amount of the commission for the entire rental period. You can then pay us the invoice amount once or in monthly installments.
After you have signed a binding rental agreement with the tenant, you will receive an invoice from us for the amount of the commission for the entire rental period. You can then pay us the invoice amount once or in monthly installments.
The tenant transfers the monthly rent directly and directly to the landlord via Globalflats. As soon as you have received your rental payment, we will send you an invoice for the amount of the commission due, which you then simply transfer to us.
In addition to our platform, we also offer your apartment on other local real estate platforms and in social networks. This can include advertisements on Immowelt, Immobilienscout24 and similar real estate platforms. But we also use other channels such as newspaper advertisements, local portals and various social media platforms to advertise your apartment in the best possible way. This means that our sales managers can always find the right tenant for your apartment as quickly as possible.